Amazon for Beginners

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Long-Term Sales Strategy


The Epilogue

I sincerely hope that after reading my book, you have not given up the idea of working with Amazon yet. This path is very rich in adventures, but undoubtedly, it is thorny – the slightest mistake can lead to irreparable consequences. Likewise in any other business.

Just imagine Amazon as a huge department store where you can find any product you need. You also really want your product to find its place on the shelves there.

As a buyer, you can easily wander around the floors, just looking at the shelves with the assortment. In one department there are clothing, in the other – shoes. Here – dishes, there – appliances. And if nothing attracts your attention at all, you will leave the department without any obligations. Most likely you are going to return there after  the assortment is changed.

What can unquestionably influence a decision to buy something is either the smile of the seller or the attractive and colorful product packaging. But there is still a choice to make. Finally, if you like the pair of sneakers, you buy them and take them home. As a buyer, it is always nice to realize that you have a period during which you can return the product and collect money for it.

The seller’s strategy is the hunter’s strategy. You need to correctly set up “traps” for the buyer who is walking around the department impressively. Rarely does anyone fully realize what they want, and you can push them to a solution by offering your own. With the help of the available means, you need to interest an idly walking visitor so that he comes to you, and not to the window of that other guy. Moreover, you are interested in the buyer who will not return the goods, but tell his friends about what a good decision he made. And, of course, he will come back to us again.

In a real department store, it is much more difficult to get access to the most prominent shelves, due to the limited space. There are enough shelves for everyone at Amazon. The most interesting thing is that absolutely anyone can try himself as a retailer in a huge department store. The rules are the same for all the participants, and everyone can go their own way, according to their strategy.

I really hope that my book at least revealed some of the initial secrets of work with Amazon for you. If you are interested, give it a try without any doubts. It is better to do it and not win than regret, living in dreams of better, parallel life.

One can l get a valid experience in the trade industry, logistics or photography, but for some Amazon can become a work of life. The success of this project depends only on your efforts not on the position of stars or happiness (like it is in the casino). Thanks to this book you receive a map of the area, where you explore it and you are guided in detail how not to get lost, but to go forward.

Best regards,

Your author.

Amazon for beginners, book

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