
Profitability Of Your Business Is Our Speciality

Whatever your reasons for starting a business in Poland or another European country,


This is especially important for the active and educated people who had to move to another country and would like to maintain their usual standard of living.

Run Your Business Right the First Time

Have you ever experienced that you, a highly qualified person, come to a job interview and the HR representative is not interested in your skills, but in the results of idiotic compatibility tests?

You get angry when you accept a young slacker, because you know you would do the job better. But don’t get upset! Send them all far away and start your own business.

If you have your own idea - we are ready to implement it to avoid mistakes.
If you don't have enough money - let's think together how we can launch your startup.
Try one of the proven solutions: open a shop, cafe, restaurant, car or bike service. Or maybe you are a good accountant or a dentist?
You can read which solutions may be suitable for you on our website.
Are you not satisfied with the result, or are you planning to enter new markets?
Let's analyse your potential opportunities and increase your sales.
But you can provide some services, in person or remotely, right? You can provide services through another company that will take care of the paperwork. Perhaps one of our partners needs your expertise.

In support of the above, let me just say that dozens of entrepreneurs and companies that we have already helped to become more successful are now ready to help you through our website.


Here Are Just a Few Tools We Will Use To Solve Your Challenges


For People Starting a Business

Let's get it right from the start. First, let's evaluate your idea for profitability. Then we will choose the best form of activity, create an attractive face for your business, and attract your first customers.
Even if your idea turns out to be not so profitable, don't despair - we will find the best use for your skills.
Practical organisation of your business from scratch for your idea - from registration and preparation to attracting customers
Poland, Bulgaria, UK, Ireland, Hungary and more than 50 other jurisdictions. Legal address, VAT number, bank account
Choosing the right company jurisdiction is very important. Download the book and benefit from our experience
A good interior can cure moping and boost self-esteem. 3D visualisations. Set of documentation and drawings

For Entrepreneurs

Don't get distracted! It's impossible to have employees on staff for absolutely every task. Let us outsource your outside tasks while you are busy making money.
Marketing strategy with the use of different channels - SMM, advertising campaign on Google, Facebook and Instagram
It's not enough to draw a logo and choose colors, you need to check with marketing trends to get the message right
A range of services to revitalise your website. If the site is hopeless and cannot be helped, we will develop a new one
Your product or service must be flawless. We'll test it for quality and customer perception and refine it to perfection
Printing consultations

Professional Support for Print Shops

We have been working in the printing industry for over 35 years. Our specialists can solve almost any problem, whether it's launching a new technology, selecting a printing press, or designing eye-catching packaging
An independent expertise when launching a new product (e.g. packaging) or printing technology. More than 35 years of experience.
Professional inspection of used printing equipment before purchase. Printing tests to assess the condition. Detailed report and conclusions
Marketing strategy with the use of different channels - SMM, advertising campaign on Google, Facebook and Instagram. Animation creation
Don't rush to panic if your managers are not performing well. It may be a matter of motivation. We will check, set KPIs and teach sales skills

So what do I do if I don't want to go bankrupt?!
Especially right from the start...

Before you worry and start panicking, familiarise yourself with what we have to offer.
Even if you don't have enough money for your idea, in most cases it is solvable!

Watch this video about the story of one of our clients. He managed to escape from the clutches of his employer. There's no doubt that you will too.
BusinessAds Pancake

Why Can We Be Trusted?

Among our clients are dozens of printing houses, enterprises and private entrepreneurs from Poland, Germany, France, UK, Lithuania and many other countries. In this, our work is like that of a good chef. It is important not only to develop a tasty shell for a new business, but also to know what sauce to pour over it to get the best results.

Our customers are happy to believe that they have achieved all this on their own. And it's true. Just as a bird teaches its chicks to fly by pushing them out of the nest, we need only push you in the right direction.





Design projects

BusinessAds Pancake

Opinions Of Our Customers And Partners

“Thanks to a great strategy, my new cafe paid for itself in a year and a half. Very attentive to all details, including the interior design.”


'Coffee Beans'

In more than 15 years of co-operation we have done many agency transactions and we are very pleased with the knowledgeable approach.


UPG Ukraine

“Our good old partner from 2011 who can always be relied upon. It is thanks to them that we have a very good position in Eastern Europe.”


“Anyone who wants to go out with their product on Amazon will take off their rose colored glasses and find detailed answers.”



“With the reorganisation of our sales and marketing department, they got the job done. We received a lot of valuable advice on what needs to be redone.”



“We have developed a friendly relationship. You can always trust. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and constructive approach.”


PGM Engineering

“Professional advice and full transaction support enabled us to avoid costly mistakes. I highly recommend.”


Alba Plus

“Very responsible approach to the client’s tasks. You can always get a qualified answer to any complicated question.”




Let's talk about your ideas over a cup of coffee

Do you want to open a business in Poland or any other European country?

Let's discuss your idea at a time and form convenient for you. Remember that every case is different and must be different from the competition.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the car.

    Koenig Bauer Logo
    Kartonika company Logo
    ROEPA Logo Transparent
    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Logo
    Amazon Logo
    BBS Company Logo
    Amazing Interiors Logo

    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWho is this project for?

    We've compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions in one place.
    Please tell in short words, what does your company do?

    Many people don’t start a business simply because they lack confidence or have no-one to rely on.
    You have thought of what you will do, and even have the budget to start the project, but you lack the hands on implementation, or the knowledge of how to do everything properly and maximise efficiency.

    We will approach your project individually and take over the PRACTICAL part of your business:

    • testing and tweaking your idea,
    • creating your corporate identity,
    • creating the interior of your business,
    • your products and services (and test them for your target audience’s perception),
    • we’ll even bring in your first customers and fulfil a lot of non-standard things for your project.

    In short words, we’ll be your hands while you’re busy with the most important part – developing what you’ll offer to the marketplace.

    What will be required from my side to start a business?

    From your side you should have a desire to work in your own business and an understanding of where you will get the money to realise it. It is highly desirable to have a business plan or at least a preliminary payback calculation, which we will verify based on our internal data.

    Please note that we provide assistance to start a new business in the RIGHT way and promote it, but not in finding financing for your idea.

    In some cases we may consider partial financing or profit sharing, but only with your guarantee of payment.

    Who is a BusinessAds client?

    Any individual or firm can become a BusinessAds client. They are:

    • Individual persons with or without experience, but who have enough money to realise their idea, but who have no one to rely on in an unfamiliar country.
    • Entrepreneurs who would like to develop a proper marketing strategy and attract new customers.
    • Franchise buyers who have received everything from the franchisor and are now wondering how to now promote their business.
    • People who relocate their business from their insecure country to a European community.
    • Printing companies that need to properly reorganise their sales department, test its efficiency or train their employees.
    • Сompanies operating on the eCommerce market and developing their own products for sale.
    Can you help me start a new business in Belarus?

    We do not launch new businesses in Russia or Belarus as long as these countries are a source of instability in the world.

    But we are happy to help those Belarusians who are hostage to the situation and would like to start their business in the European Union or move their existing business here. We are also not engaged in organising migration, issuing invitations or finding a place of residence.

    I have a cool idea that needs 3 million euros to realise, but I have no funding. Can we collaborate?

    We are regularly approached by “generators of innovative ideas” who want to find a co-owner of a business and get money from him to realise their fantastic projects. Unfortunately, we do not consider such projects and do not participate in them as co-owners. Because of this, we remain neutral and give the same chances to any of our clients past or future.

    We also reserve the right to refuse a client if we do not understand their field and cannot find a good consultant.

    In which countries do you work?

    Our operations are within the European Union and the UK. The fastest response to your tasks we can realise in Poland, Lithuania and Great Britain. If for some reason we are unable to provide you with a personal presence, we will endeavour to reach you online.

    In cases where on-site presence is required, by prior arrangement we will schedule a member of staff to arrive at the right time.

    For your convenience, we speak English, Polish and Russian.

    How does a free consultation work?

    A free consultation usually takes place online, by phone, or in our office by appointment.

    At the free consultation we will get to know your task and discuss your vision of your future business and how we can solve your problems. Based on the results, we will prepare a commercial proposal for you.


    MAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONSHow To Use BusinessAds Services?

    Launching startups is our speciality. If you believe in your new business idea, you have found a way to realise it.
    Why is it more favourable to contact BusinessAds than to hire people full-time?

    If you can provide full-time employment for the person you hire, it’s worth hiring them. But while the project is under development, it’s unlikely you’ll want to pay an employee a salary if you need them once a week. If you need an economist today, a designer tomorrow, and a marketer the day after that, we will provide exactly who you need at the moment.

    Despite the seemingly higher cost per standard hour, this option may be much more favourable for you. You only pay for the time you need.

    How quickly can you start my project?

    We physically can’t help everyone at the same time, but we try very hard.

    Let us find out your needs first, and then we will determine a time frame for the job depending on the urgency needed and our workload. But we promise that your long-term projects will always be a priority.

    How much are your services?

    It all depends on your idea and our involvement in it. To start, we will schedule a free one-hour consultation with our expert. Then, depending on your objectives, we will design a process to launch your business specifically.

    Depending on the scope of your idea and the time we schedule for it, the cost will be calculated. A typical package of services for launching a small business or a strategy to promote a ready-made project costs our client from 1,200 to 5,000 euros. The more complex your project is, the more time and human capital it requires, the more it will cost.

    If you still want to do everything yourself, but doubt that you have enough experience, you can book one-off consultations in our e-shop, which you can book directly on the website.

    How is payment handled?

    One-time paid consultations, as well as packages with monthly fees, are paid on the principle of an advance payment made before a certain day of the month. It can be made by bank transfer or paid through the website.

    When implementing a long-term contract, we divide the task into stages, to which payment is linked. Before the start of work, the customer makes an advance payment from 50% to 100% for each of the stages described in the contract.

    When launching marketing projects for promotion in social networks, we specify the cost of monthly service, which includes setting up and adjusting advertising in accordance with the strategy.

    Organisation of training, sales department analysis is carried out on the basis of additional agreements.

    How long does it take to launch my business with the full package?

    Each project is different and requires rethinking all the actions anew, so as not to repeat word-for-word the steps of a competitor. We will give you a timeframe for your understanding only, but it will largely depend on the complexity of the execution and the workload of the specialists.

    • It takes from 2 to 4 weeks to develop and run a marketing strategy.
    • For the development of corporate identity: a logo needs about 1 week, for an uncomplicated guideline – at least 2-3 weeks, for a brandbook we need more than 1 month.
    • It takes from 2 weeks and more to produce a design project of the premises.
    • It takes about 2 weeks to evaluate the attractiveness of the product. If several samples are tested, the timeframe can be significantly reduced.
    • Assessment of the state of the sales department and development of a concept for its improvement – from 1 week to 3 months. Most stages of this service cannot be fulfilled online. The specialist is obliged to visit and live at the location of your company.
    What are the guarantees that you won't replicate my project for someone else, creating a competitor for me?

    Our company is interested in long-term co-operation with our clients. Our activities comply with certain ethical rules policy. In our work we apply only those techniques that we believe will be suitable for your case.

    The aim of counselling is to achieve the best possible results in the interests of the client. Therefore, when agreeing to work for a client, a professional counsellor will never allow his or her interests to conflict with those of the client.

    We maintain confidentiality for any of our clients. In addition, we reserve the right to refuse projects that may harm our clients.


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    1 Canada Square, London E14 9XQ
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    Use messenger or contact form to get in touch with us. For billing questions please contact us by phone:
    OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?
    BusinessAds location
    1 Canada Square, London E14 9XQ
    United Kingdom
    1 Canada Square, London E14 9XQ
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